WhiteCollarFranchise Executive and Management Franchises & UK Professional Business Opportunities For Sale
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Since 2007, WhiteCollarFranchise has generated thousands of franchise enquiries from UK professionals for our executive and management franchise clients, creating many new franchisees.

The home of UK Executive and Management Franchising

Original WhiteCollarFranchise ArtworkIn 2007 WhiteCollarFranchise.co.uk was launched and transformed website marketing.

The founding website of the TotalFranchise Group of Websites, WhiteCollarFranchise.co.uk was the most original and unique website for franchise information available, and today, it remains the leading specialist franchise ‘sector’ website, providing quality franchise enquiries in the field of executive and  management franchising.

Data Summary:

A Unique Approach to UK Franchise Recruitment

WhiteCollarFranchise.co.uk offers a different approach to website marketing to that of general franchise directory websites. Utilising a decade of franchise recruitment knowledge and experience, founder Nick Tubb created a website resource in WhiteCollarFranchise.co.uk that could provide a great depth of information about this specific sector of franchising, that would appeal to people looking for management and executive franchises, providing richer information with less ‘clutter’.

Why WhiteCollarFranchise Works

TotalFranchise Group

Launched at the Executive Recruitment exhibition in May 2007 with a marketing strapline of 'franchising offers more than fast food and coffee’ WhiteCollarFranchise.co.uk instantly delivered high quality management and director level franchise prospects to well managed and mutually suited franchisors. 

Now, sixteen years on, though the technology and services have moved on, the end result is still as good as ever – high quality leads, fewer time wasters, and WhiteCollarFranchise.co.uk among the most respected and valued sources of franchise recruitment for scores of executive and management franchises across the UK.

If you desire high calibre prospective franchisees with a professional background or management skills, then WhiteCollarFranchise.co.uk is THE website to be on! 

Proactive, 'target market' franchise recruitment advertising services that put your franchise in front of the 'Right People' ....and offering two websites for the prices of one!

WhiteCollarFranchise.co.uk is part of The TotalFranchise Group of websites. This group combines four 'sector specific specialist websites' with a central Franchise Directory website to deliver the perfect balance of 'quality and quantity' of franchise leads for our clients.  There are a range of franchise marketing campaign packages to help your franchise, whether 'New to market' or an established and recognised brand, to reach more of the prospective franchisees you want to hear from!

Since launching in 2007, The TotalFranchise Group of Websites has been the most innovative franchise website for new features in the industry.  We have now launched another feature that is not found anywhere else in the industry. 

Location Based Marketing

Introducing: Location Weighted Marketing

'Location Weighting' - the unique feature available for franchisors on all packages enables you to market where you want in the UK, to help increase enquiries where you want them, (and save resocurces by not wasting time responding to enquiries in locations that are not required.)

This is not just a simple landing page based on a town name, county or postcode - it's much more!  Our unique algorithm factors in the preferences of both users and franchisors to display results in a certain order.  This helps franchisors to recruit franchisees in the areas that they are seeking, whilst reducing their exposure in locations where enquiries are not required or less of a priority.

Find out more! Enquire on the form below.

Example Profile page

Features of our websites include (subject to Package):

Find out for yourself why our clients see our services as one of their most effective franchise recruitment marketing resources.  With campaign package options varying from basic company profile listings to comprehensive high level exposure options comprising of dedicated emailshots and proactive social media engagement, we have a solution to your franchisee recruitment requirements.

Explore how the TotalFranchise Group of Websites can help your franchise to meet and exceed your recruitment objectives, and start the pipeline generating NEW FRANCHISEES for YOU, TODAY!

Alternatively, email nicola@totalfranchise.co.uk on 07488 271 126, and we will be happy to explore further with you.

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Executive franchises and Management franchises from White Collar Franchise. Explore starting a professional business to business franchise, management franchise or executive franchise opportunity. UK Franchise news, franchisee case studies and franchise resources are all available to help start your own white collar franchise.

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