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FocalPoint Case Study
FocalPoint Case Study
A case study to share the positive impact that the FocalPoint Coaches make in the lives and businesses of their clients.
FocalPoint Case Study
Franchise Information
  • BFA Membership Status-
  • UK Years Established10 years
  • Current UK Coverage5%
  • Franchisee Support Staff12
  • Personal Investment Req.£25,000
  • Total Startup Cost£59,500
  • Home-based business locationYes
  • Business to business servicesYes
  • Franchisee operates individuallyYes
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From Working 70+ Hours Per Week To Working 40 Hours Per Week...With More Profit

FocalPoint love sharing the positive impact their Coaches make in the lives and businesses of their clients. Check out this case study from one of their Coaches.


Bennett's Catering, my own catering company in Arkansas.


I, the business owner, was working 70+ hours per week and not making the profit I desired. Also, my wife was working almost as many hours with her 9 to 5 job, working in the catering business, and raising 2 small children. I wanted to work fewer hours and increase my business's revenue.


I first identified how many hours were acceptable to work each week and determined that 45 hours was my goal. I then identified the most profitable areas of the trade. Next, I developed a plan to target which customers would be ideal for the most profitable areas of the catering business. The final stage was to educate the employees on how this business change would benefit them. My employees were on board with the adjustments once they understood how their work would not be increased and they would have more work/life balance as well.


My employees became more of a team, I worked a maximum of 40 hours per week, and the business became more profitable. And above all, I had a better family life.

Alan Bennett, Certified FocalPoint Business and Executive Coach

Find out more about franchise opportunites with FocalPoint Coaching UK by clicking below

Revenue increased from $3 million to $5.8 million during coaching relationshipRevenue increased from $3 million to $5.8 million during coaching relationship

A case study to share the positive impact that the FocalPoint Coaches make in the lives and businesses of their clients.

Why Choose Us

FocalPoint have a complete system to underpin your business regardless of where you take it

FocalPoint have 5,000,000 people coached, trained and developed since 1985

FocalPoint is built on a fundamental understanding of the psychology of success, unchanged in 35 years – it is built for long-term success. it is not a flash-in-the-pan fad.

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