David had been keen on the idea of self-employment for some time but Kate needed a bit more convincing it was the right fit for her.It was only after meeting the Dream Doors team she felt happy to make the leap into a new line of work.
"It’s been a whirlwind and a steep learning curve. We took over an existing showroom and it’s been great – we haven’t stopped."
"They say franchising catapults you into a position whereby you are running a profitable business very quickly. Well this is certainly true. The Dream Doors franchise has exceeded our expectations already."
"We’ve developed properties and converted a barn, so we knew this kind of work was right for us. David always wanted to do something else and run his own business. I was less interested in that but when I met the Dream Doors team I was very impressed. I started to think 'We could do this'. So far it’s been amazing and we’ve been really busy – hence the incredible £235,000 turnaround in a very short space of time. We’ve got a very good team here. Dream Doors stood out as being really professional and it was obvious there was real potential there."
"Over the next few years we plan to start spreading out from Worcester and into Malden. We’re out to grow and really pursue this."
Dream Doors is looking for more talented people like David and Kate to join its ever-growing franchise network.
There are just 19 franchise territories available nationwide, in particular in the North East, North West, Yorkshire and Scotland.
Franchisee Neil Fisher followed in the footsteps of a childhood friend to launch his own Dream Doors trading territory.
Simon Herbert took the leap into running his own business two years ago and opened Dream Doors Gloucester.
Ramin Razaq relocated from Belarus to open a profitable kitchen makeover showroom in the UK with his wife Wida.
After more than a decade of trading, Dream Doors franchisees Mike and Elaine Hurley are still enjoying their work and making great money.
Chris Nowell joined Dream Doors in early 2019 and is now running a kitchen showroom in Telford.
Almost five years after joining Dream Doors, Mark Holmes continues to see his take home profits rise.
Vishal Amin has found a way to balance spending time with his growing family and earning a great take home salary with Dream Doors.
Ex-service engineer Mick Appleton is indulging his love of interior design by opening a kitchen showroom.
It took Wilson Craig just 31 days to formally open his kitchen showroom in his hometown of Prestwick.
Colin Lynch was looking for a change of career and knew franchising for the UK’s #1 kitchen makeover company was the way forward.
Changing his career direction has given Wilson Craig the chance to work alongside his family.
Selling up the family business allowed the Bachelor family to start a lucrative Dream Doors kitchen makeover franchise.
David Parr was looking for a career change that offered greater earning potential.
David Ward OBE has swapped conflict zones in Europe and the Middle East for a Dream Doors kitchen showroom in the West Country.
Gary and Hayley Ashe relocated to Britain to tap into its ‘mature’ franchising market.
Former sales manager Manbir Takhar was looking for a new work opportunity when he joined Dream Doors in 2015.
Sean and Katie Hebdon have built a successful, family-run business that delivers the lifestyle they had always craved.
Focusing on top notch customer service has allowed husband and wife, Martin and Alex Smith, to build a highly profitable business.
Dream Doors franchisee Lynn Fletcher found the working flexibility she needed by joining the UK’s #1 kitchen makeover company.
Taking on a Dream Doors franchise allowed ex-teacher Matt Jones to move back to his favourite part of the country.
The James family has worked together to generate over £1million in annual sales from their Dream Doors showroom in Stoke-on-Trent.
Ex-banker Jerry Innesbeer took back control of his working life by taking on a Dream Doors franchise after being made redundant.
Samiul Islam and Abdul Muktadir have surpassed their income targets in their first 18 months of running a Dream Doors franchise.
Dream Doors franchisees Richard Marshall and Jamie-Louise Brewer generated over £94,000 in their first month of trade.
Mark and Rachael say that they have never felt more at home whilst working as Dream Doors Franchisees.
Lavine decided to open his own Dream Doors franchise and tells us what first attracted him to the proposition.
Matt Jones, the new owner of Dream Doors Truro, worked as a design technology teacher for 12 years before taking on a franchise.
If you want to work for yourself and have more flexibility, I would recommend a Dream Doors franchise. Also it’s good to know that you can run your own business, but still have the back up of a national company.Matt Jones
Everything about the franchise works as it is written in the manual and, in your early days, this is important while you learn the business.Paul Reeder
The training and support has been fantastic and has really reinforced the fact that we made the right decision. The initial training was really helpful and there have been plenty of visits from the Franchise Support Manager to keep us on the right path.Helen Mahon
13-week induction programme – covering all aspects of running a successful business
Industry-leading training and support
Potential to achieve MORE THAN £1MILLION in yearly turnover